Category Archives: Enterasys

Enterasys C2 SNMPv2

To enable SNMPv2 access on the Enterasys C2 Switches you have to issue following commands:

set snmp access gReadOnlyV1V2C security-model v1 exact read vUnsecured
set snmp access gReadOnlyV1V2C security-model v2c exact read vUnsecured
set snmp community mycomunity securityname sn_v1v2c_ro
set snmp group gReadOnlyV1V2C user sn_v1v2c_ro security-model v1
set snmp group gReadWriteV1V2C user sn_v1v2c_rw security-model v1
set snmp group gReadOnlyV1V2C user sn_v1v2c_ro security-model v2c
set snmp group gReadWriteV1V2C user sn_v1v2c_rw security-model v2c
set snmp view viewname vUnsecured subtree 1
set snmp view viewname vUnsecured subtree 0.0


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Enterasys C2 and SSH

To enable the SSH Service on a Enterasys SecureStack C2 and similar you have to issue “set ssh enabled” on the cli.

[sourcecode autolinks=”false” gutter=”false” highlight=”2″]
C2(su)->set ssh enabled
SSH hostkey generation initiated. Process should complete in 60 seconds.


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